Fundamental information for pupil: Explanatory note and attributes of its writing

Fundamental information for pupil: Explanatory note and attributes of its writing

Framework associated with explanatory note

  1. 1. Title web page

The following requisites are written: the name of the Federal Education Agency, the university, the institution, the department, the title of the work, information about the author, the leader and the reviewer on the title page.

  1. 2. The composition associated with the thesis shows how many pages regarding the theoretical part, the amount of tablets, accompanying materials, etc.
  2. 3. The dining table of articles reflects this content and framework for the ongoing work and is put following the structure of this thesis. The title of every part of the task regarding the right, close to the edge regarding the field that is right corresponds to the amount of the web page with which it starts into the text.
  3. 4. The introduction in conclusion kind will include listed here constituent parts:
  4. 1. The relevance, novelty and significance of this selected subject.
  5. 2. Their education of knowledge for the topic, developed and problems that are unsolved
  6. 3. Determination of this purpose, the tasks for the thesis.
  7. 4. The foundation of this structure of work.

This is usually a section that is short of pages.

  1. 5. The writing associated with the explanatory note contains 4 chapters, which give an analysis of this situation, analysis of prototypes, analysis of analogs, conceptual, draft and draft that is working.

Logical construction while focusing regarding the presentation associated with the primary content is accomplished only once each chapter has a certain function and is the cornerstone for the subsequent.

Chapter 1 contains situation analysis, prototype analysis, analysis of analogues;

Chapter 2 is specialized in a project that is conceptual

Chapter 3 – reviews in the draft design;

Chapter 4 describes the working design;

  1. 6. In conclusion, which will be an unbiased an element of the work that is scientific must not have a retelling regarding the content of this study or perhaps a reiteration of this conclusions which were manufactured in the chapters. Into the conclusion author’s outcomes of the theoretical and development that is practical of topic are summed up, the perfect solution is for the problems stated in the introduction is mirrored, and basic conclusions on the subject are presented. In conclusion must not contain information that is new facts, arguments, also it should logically follow from the primary text regarding the work.
  2. 7. Record of utilized literature is put following the main text for the explanatory note regarding the thesis.

Demands for the formulation of an note that is explanatory

The quantity of the note that is explanatory be approximately 40-60 pages, like the title web page, text, tables, numbers, a summary of used literary works, applications and table of contents.

The note that is explanatory printed in the printer and connected, the indentation ought to be the same and corresponding to five figures. Headings are separated through the text from above and from below by three intervals.

All pages regarding the thesis, including pictures and annexes, are numbered so as from the title web page to your final page without omissions and repetitions. The very first page is the name page. No number is placed on the title page, as well as on the page that is next figure “2” is put.

The page quantity is printed in the middle of the margin that is top.

Whenever having a lot of applications or illustrations, they may be released as being a separate amount, the title page of which will be used much like the title page associated with the thesis, showing “Application.” The numbering of tables, illustrations, drawings into the text and in the application form must not coincide.

The accessibility to the application is indicated within the table of articles.

The practical the main thesis

The practical area of the thesis is presented in the form of a pair of presentation tablets.

Themes of diploma works associated with the specialty “Design” are grouped to the after main areas:

  • -Poligraphy (Design of multipage publications, package design, poster, outdoor marketing).
  • -brand design (growth of branding elements)
  • -WEB (development of web page design, in addition to growth of web-interfaces, right here most of the work with Flash is associated)

Needs for operate in all these areas.

Polygraphy: while preparing any type or kind of items, the graduate pupil should familiarize himself because of the technology of their manufacturing.

To guard the project, two parts are designed: its design solution and its prepress planning.

Thus in the work must include after points associated towards the design:

  • -The assignment of work, the mark market (the graduate student must certanly be well conscious of those, for whom his items are designed for and exactly how it will be utilized);
  • -Composition (like the layout of materials, the rationale for composite solutions, contrast with existing solutions);
  • -Color solution (the graduate pupil will be able to substantiate his choice and show it in message);
  • -Style solution (if it is linked with a particular pronounced design (dark ages, Baroque, Constructivism, Art Nouveau, etc.)

All the items that are above be presented when compared to current analogues (if any).

The protection project contains:

  1. 1. Technical parameters of this product that is future structure, material, printing technology (flex printing, offset, silk-screen printing, etc.).
  2. 2. Compositional solution (for instance, layout scheme).
  3. 3. Graphical solution (by means of sketches additionally the final sentence).
  4. 4. The consequence of contrast with other examples.