For pupils to cover attention: concept, goals and tasks associated with diploma work

For pupils to cover attention: concept, goals and tasks associated with diploma work

The concept and essence regarding the diploma work

Graduation work (diploma work) is the most essential phase associated with process that is educational which completes the training of a highly qualified specialist in the area of the whole world economy. The preparation and security for the diploma let us recognize and evaluate the student’s theoretical planning for solving professional problems, their readiness when it comes to primary kinds of professional activity – managerial, organizational, economic, information-analytical, project-research, socio-psychological, revolutionary, methodical, consultative and educational. The work ought to be imaginative, meet with the demands of a logical and clear presentation associated with the product, the data and reliability regarding the facts, reflect the student’s capability to use logical ways of looking, choosing, processing and information that is systematizing containing original medical findings and / or practical recommendations. Last qualification work (diploma work) ought to be logically finished and prove the student’s capability to correctly show their ideas, to argue the proposals, to easily make use of unique terminology that is economic.

The primary objectives associated with the diploma work

The primary goals associated with the diploma work are:

  1. 1. Systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical and practical familiarity with the pupil in direction of “world economy”.
  2. 2. Growth of abilities for doing separate work and learning the study methodology in re solving particular problems and issues.
  3. 3. Determining the amount of theoretical and practical preparedness associated with the student for separate operate in the specialty and re solving certain practical problems. Relative to the goals set, the pupil along the way of performing the qualifying that is final must solve the issues.

The primary tasks associated with the diploma work

  1. 1. To substantiate the relevance for the selected subject, its value and value for studying the procedures occurring in the national and world economy. Determine the purpose and goals associated with the qualifying work that is final. Show ownership associated with the culture of reasoning, the capacity to perceive, generalize and economic analysis of data, setting objectives and selecting techniques to attain it.
  2. 2. Determine the subject, item and technique of investigation. To show your talent logically properly, to argue and clearly build dental and written speech, along with mastering the techniques of quantitative analysis and modeling, theoretical and research that is experimental.
  3. 3. To analyze theoretical conditions, normative, methodological paperwork, statistical materials, guide and scientific literary works for a selected subject.
  4. 4. To find the theme of this qualifying that is final plus the enterprise on such basis as that your work will likely be written. Make a strategy of work, coordinate it because of the supervisor that is scientific finish the assignment for the thesis work.
  5. 5. Demonstrate the capacity to diagnose and evaluate problems that are socio-economic processes when you look at the company. To analyze the materials, technical and socio-economic conditions of production together with nature of the impact on the alteration in technical, financial and social performance indicators as well as the administration situation in a specific company.
  6. 6. To mention your point of view on conversation dilemmas pertaining to this issue.
  7. 7. Whenever collecting the required material that is factual demonstrate the mastery of fundamental practices, methods and way of getting, storing and processing information, having computer skills as a way of data administration, the capacity to assist information in international computer systems and business information systems.
  8. 8. Evaluate the gathered information making use of appropriate methods of processing and analyzing information. Show the clear presence of a concept of the role and significance of information and information technology into the development of modern society together with knowledge economy.
  9. 9. In line with the analysis done, draw conclusions and develop recommendations on improving the effectiveness for the workers administration system associated with the organization in the problem considered within the qualifying work that is final.
  10. 10. Economically justify the proposed management decisions and figure out their socio-economic effectiveness.